Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Communication and Sendcere... The all important connection

Communication. We all do it - we do it for business and for personal reasons. Sometimes it takes the form of romantic messages, others informational, directional, or even promotional. But how do we communicate? 

Twenty First Century technologies enable us to communicate instantly, or in a delayed fashion. At first glance, instant would always seem to be preferable - you know, by email, text, skype, or even a phone call, but all of these realistically leave no lasting trace. That is, once the call ends, and the communication ceases, there is no permanent reminder (necessarily) of the exchange. 

Yes, one can save an email, or take notes, but just as often, with the click of a mouse, the email is deleted and without notes, again, no permanent reminder of the intent of the message remains. 

Written communications, at least in this writers view tend to have greater impact and remain in one's possession for a longer period of time. Of all the variants of written communication, the greeting card seems to be unique - sometimes festive, other times somber, but always evoking emotion while able to communicate by the written word at the same time. 

Traditionally however, greeting card messages have been quite brief and the images are, well, the best one can find in a card store - or in the card aisle at the local market! 

There has always been a need for a greeting card that can be personalized and customized, and thanks to a company called Send Out Cards, it is now possible to create the "perfect card". 

send out cards
Customize and create the PERFECT card with Send Out Cards

What defines the perfect card? In your writers view, it is the ability to add your own images - as many as you wish. Images can refresh a memory, evoke an emotion, or in themselves communicate a message. 

The written message in the perfect card should be in ones own hand - modern technology addresses this with a personal handwriting font! And, should be able to be located anywhere in (or on) the card and in any size or color. 

For a business, the perfect card should be able to be automated (for birthdays, holidays, thank-you's etc.) and for the individual, it should be a creative release. 

This is why Send Out Cards has created Sendcere. A collection of (soon) hundreds of thousands of cards. Cards for every occasion and every reason. Cards - real cards that can be used "as is" or modified for ones specific purpose and message. 

Sendcere - Send Out Cards' answer to Pinterest

You see, the "magic" begins on one's computer, laptop or smart phone - creating the perfect card, but then a "send" button is clicked - effectively sending a request to a printer in Salt Lake City to print the card, place it in an envelope, address and stamp it - and even include a gift if desired! 

Sendcere - which is patterned after Pinterest, will likely follow its massive growth curve (now at 70 million users) and will truly place this tiny company, Send Out Cards, "on the map".

A brief video detailing Sendcere can be found here...

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